ADAM BOMB ritorna con un
nuovo album e si appresta a sbarcare in Europa in un tour che toccherà tutti i maggiori
music hall d'Inghilterra ! the new album "Third world roar"in anteprima dal sito
del lungocrinito singer newyorkese quattro (4) MP3 da scaricare e il tour dates :
- 911 : 911.mp3
- The Beginning Of The End thebeginningoftheend.mp3
- Are You A Target? : areyouatarget.mp3
- Rocket : rocket.mp3
Monday 1st: CREWE The Limelight
Tuesday 2nd: BLACKPOOL Uncle Tom's Cabin
Wednesday 3rd: BARNSLEY G & T's
Thursday 4th: NOTTINGHAM The Running Horse
Friday 5th: GRIMSBY Spiders Web
Saturday 6th: WORKINGTON Monroes Bar
Sunday 7th: BRADFORD Market Tavern
Monday 8th: BARTON UPON HUMBER The Carnival
Tuesday 9th: HARTLEPOOL The Studio
Wednesday 10th: HULL Springhead
Thursday 11th: SCUNTHORPE The Lincoln Imp
Friday 12th: NEWCASTLE Trillions
Saturday 13th: CROYDON Cartoon
Sunday 14th: PENZANCE The Acorn Theatre
Monday 15th: PLYMOUTH Phoenix Wharf
Tuesday 16th: BRISTOL Fiddlers
Wednesday 17th: HEREFORD Manhattans
Thursday 18th: CLYDACH Ludwig's
Friday 19th: SWANSEA Patti Pavilion
Saturday 20th: LIVERPOOL The Cavern
Sunday 21st: LINCOLN The Falcon
Monday 22nd: PETERBOROUGH Met Lounge
Tuesday 23rd: LONDON The Underworld
Wednesday 24th: SOUTHAMPTON The Brook
Thursday 25th: READING Fez Club
Friday 26th: HUDDERSFIELD Abrahams
Saturday 27th: DUDLEY JB'S
Sunday 28th: BARNSLEY Birdwell Club
Monday 29th: SCARBOROUGH Murrays Music Bar
Tuesday 30th: BOSTON Axe & Cleaver